22 research outputs found

    Evaluation of the online presence of family firms: A comparative analysis between Ibero-America and the US

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    Digital marketing strategies are an intermediary between marketing channels and communication of information. With the emergence of web 2.0, corporate websites’ have become the epicentre of digital marketing strategies. This study aims to fill a gap in the family business literature related to online presence and their differences between regions. Using structural equation modeling (SEM), the websites of the largest Ibero-American and American family businesses in the world (which were included in the Family Business Global Index (FBGI)) were examined by evaluating their content, form and function, as well as their presence in social networks. A multigroup analysis was used to compare the results in Ibero-America and America. One of the main results is that there is a negative relationship between website quality and a company’s turnover and a positive relationship between social networks and a company’s turnover. Regarding multigroup analysis, there are no significant differences among the family firms of the two regions with respect to the online presence. This study has relevant practical implications because it highlights the importance of a global strategy of online presence since it influences the company’s turnover

    Analysis and evaluation of the largest 500 family firms’ websites through PLS-SEM technique

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    Dado que pocos estudios relacionan los aspectos técnicos de un sitio web corporativo con la facturación de una empresa, este documento tiene como objetivo examinar cómo la calidad de un sitio web corporativo influye en las redes sociales y la facturación de la empresa en grandes empresas familiares. También se prueba el efecto moderador y mediador de las redes sociales en las relaciones entre la calidad del sitio web y la rotación. Además, el documento realiza un análisis multigrupo para analizar las diferencias entre las empresas familiares con baja y alta concentración de propiedad familiar. La muestra utilizada en el estudio, los sitios web de las 500 empresas familiares más grandes de todo el mundo extraídos del Índice Global de Negocios Familiares compilados por la Universidad de St. Gallen, se analizaron utilizando modelos de ecuaciones estructurales de mínimos cuadrados parciales (PLS-SEM). Los resultados indican que tanto el efecto directo e indirecto de la calidad del sitio web en la rotación como el efecto moderador de las redes sociales en la relación entre la calidad del sitio web y la rotación fueron negativos y significativos. El análisis multigrupo revela algunas diferencias significativas entre ambos grupos. El estudio contribuye a la evaluación de la literatura del sitio web al explorar un nuevo sector de aplicación: las empresas familiares. Además, las empresas familiares más grandes deberían mejorar su presencia en las redes sociales para aumentar sus ventas.As few studies relate the technical aspects of a corporate website to a firm’s turnover, this paper aims to examine how the quality of a corporate website influences social networks and the company’s turnover in large family firms. The moderating and mediating effect of social networks on the relationships between website quality and turnover are also tested. In addition, the paper performs a multigroup analysis to analyze the differences between family businesses with low and high family ownership concentration. The sample used in the study, the largest 500 family firms’ websites around the globe extracted from The Global Family Business Index compiled by the University of St. Gallen, were analyzed using partial least squares–structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM). The results indicate that both the direct and indirect effect of website quality on turnover and the moderating effect of social networks in the relationship between website quality and turnover were negative and significant. The multigroup analysis reveals some significant differences between both groups. The study contributes to the evaluation of website literature by exploring a new sector of application: family businesses. Moreover, the largest family firms should improve their presence in social networks to increase their sales.• Junta de Extremadura y Fondos FEDER. AyudapeerReviewe

    Study of factors influencing knowledge transfer in family firms

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    Purpose: We propose in this paper to analyze what are the factors that influence knowledge transfer both intra and intergenerational in family firms. The main objective is to establish a framework that can be used later in empirical research, although we maintain a completely theoretical approach in this paper Design/methodology/approach: This study, which is a comprehensive framework characterized the knowledge transfer literature in family firms in terms of the factors influencing them, was developed by an extensive literature review. Findings: Based on an extensive literature review, we conclude that knowledge is best transferred when family members value the following factors: trust between family members, commitment to the family business, intergenerational relationships, intragenerational relationships, psychological ownership of the family business, successor’s aspects and training, predecessor involvement in the successor training, organizational culture and relationships with Family Business Associations. Research limitations/implications: The study demonstrates the extensiveness and variety of knowledge transfer research. However there is not the same situation in family firms’ field. For academics, these different factors can be used as a map for future empirical studies. Originality/value: There is a notable lack of research into knowledge practices in small and medium-sized enterprises and especially in family firms. Besides, there is a gap in the understanding of an effective way to transfer these resources across generations; actually, existing studies on knowledge management in family businesses are scarce. The main value of our paper is to fill out partially this gap.Peer Reviewe

    Profesionalizarse, emprender y aliarse para que la empresa familiar continúe

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    La continuidad de la empresa familiar es uno de los temas más estudiados. Los factores más utilizados en su estudio son la sucesión y la confusión entre el patrimonio empresarial y familiar. Sin embargo, en este trabajo vamos a analizar la continuidad de la empresa familiar y la influencia que sobre ella tienen algunas variables poco estudiadas; en concreto analizaremos la influencia que sobre ella tienen la realización de estrategias de alianzas y cooperación, la gestión profesional de la empresa familiar y el espíritu emprendedor de la empresa. La metodología utilizada para analizar estas relaciones está basada en un proceso de ecuaciones estructurales, concretamente el enfoque Partial Least Squares (PLS). Los resultados son, en la mayoría de las relaciones empleadas, los esperados según la literatura

    The Mice at play in the CALIFA survey: A case study of a gas-rich major merger between first passage and coalescence

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    We present optical integral field spectroscopy (IFS) observations of the Mice, a major merger between two massive (>10^11Msol) gas-rich spirals NGC4676A and B, observed between first passage and final coalescence. The spectra provide stellar and gas kinematics, ionised gas properties and stellar population diagnostics, over the full optical extent of both galaxies. The Mice provide a perfect case study highlighting the importance of IFS data for improving our understanding of local galaxies. The impact of first passage on the kinematics of the stars and gas has been significant, with strong bars likely induced in both galaxies. The barred spiral NGC4676B exhibits a strong twist in both its stellar and ionised gas disk. On the other hand, the impact of the merger on the stellar populations has been minimal thus far: star formation induced by the recent close passage has not contributed significantly to the global star formation rate or stellar mass of the galaxies. Both galaxies show bicones of high ionisation gas extending along their minor axes. In NGC4676A the high gas velocity dispersion and Seyfert-like line ratios at large scaleheight indicate a powerful outflow. Fast shocks extend to ~6.6kpc above the disk plane. The measured ram pressure and mass outflow rate (~8-20Msol/yr) are similar to superwinds from local ULIRGs, although NGC4676A has only a moderate infrared luminosity of 3x10^10Lsol. Energy beyond that provided by the mechanical energy of the starburst appears to be required to drive the outflow. We compare the observations to mock kinematic and stellar population maps from a merger simulation. The models show little enhancement in star formation during and following first passage, in agreement with the observations. We highlight areas where IFS data could help further constrain the models.Comment: 23 pages, 13 figures, accepted to A&A. A version with a complete set of high resolution figures is available here: http://www-star.st-and.ac.uk/~vw8/resources/mice_v8_astroph.pd

    Por que as empresas familiares desaparecem?

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    A pesar del impulso que las Instituciones Autonómicas Extremeñas vienen dando en aras a potenciar la creación de empresas en la región, hasta ahora existe un importante vacío de conocimiento y puesta en marcha de un sistema que identifique y evite la desaparición a corto plazo del tejido empresarial ya creado. En este sentido, el estudio que se presenta en estas páginas nos relata cómo el vínculo familiar potencia mejor la cultura empresarial para mantener el ritmo de competitividad empresarial y, por tanto, el desarrollo económico y social. La conclusión principal del trabajo es que las empresas familiares extremeñas se enfrentan a cinco retos esenciales: garantizar su continuidad generacional, incrementar su dimensión, profesionalizarse, invertir en tecnología e innovación, emprender procesos de internacionalización.Despite the impulse that the Extremadura Institutions are giving in order to boost the creation of businesses in the region, until now there is a significant gap in knowledge and implementation of a system to identify and avoid the short-term disappearance of the business network created. In this sense, the study presented in these pages tells us how the family bond power better the business culture to maintain the pace of business competitiveness and, hence, the economic and social development. The main conclusion of this paper is that Extremadura family businesses face five key challenges: to ensure generational continuity, increase its size, more professional, investing in technology and innovation, to undertake internationalization processes.Apesar do impulso que as Instituições Autónomas de Extremadura estão ocorrendo, a fim de promover o empreendedorismo na região, até agora não há uma diferença significativa no conhecimento e implementação de um sistema para identificar e evitar o desaparecimento de curto prazo da empresa já criada. Neste sentido, o estudo apresentado nestas páginas conta como o vínculo familiar potência melhor a cultura corporativa para manter o ritmo da competitividade empresarial e, portanto, o desenvolvimento econômico e social. A principal conclusão do trabalho é que as empresas familiares do Extremadura enfrentam cinco principais desafios: garantir a continuidade generacional, aumentar seu tamanho, profissionalizada, investindo em tecnologia e inovação, empreender processos de internacionalização

    La importancia de la gestión del conocimiento en el espíritu emprendedor de las empresas familiares

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    Las empresas familiares son creadas debido al comportamiento emprendedor de uno o más fundadores, que encuentran y explotan una oportunidad. Es necesario que esta Orientación Emprendedora se transmita a las siguientes generaciones, siendo un elemento importante para la supervivencia y el crecimiento de las empresas familiares. Sin embargo, las características específicas de las empresas familiares pueden tanto estimular como impedir el comportamiento emprendedor. Por otra parte, las empresas familiares son, por su propia naturaleza, complicadas por la dinámica de la familia propietaria. Esta dinámica no sólo afecta al rendimiento del negocio, sino también al crecimiento del negocio, el cambio y la transición en el tiempo. En este trabajo se ha construido y definido un modelo sobre la base de los principales argumentos que sustentan las teorías siguientes: el capital social, visión basada en los recursos y en el conocimiento. Este modelo incluye los factores clave que conforman la transferencia de conocimiento y su influencia en la orientación emprendedora y en el rendimiento empresarial. Argumentamos que la gestión del conocimiento dentro de la empresa familiar está positivamente relacionada con la orientación emprendedora. La metodología utilizada para analizar estas relaciones se basa en un enfoque de ecuaciones estructurales (SEM), mínimos cuadrados parciales (PLS específicamente). Utilizando una muestra de empresas familiares españolas asociadas a las Asociaciones Territoriales de Empresa Familiar, se muestran los principales resultados y se discute la relación explicada anteriormente.Family businesses are created due to the entrepreneurial behavior of one or more founders, who find and exploit an opportunity. It is necessary that this Entrepreneurial Orientation (EO) is transmitted to the next generation, which is seen as an important element in the survival and growth of family firms. However, the specific characteristics of family businesses can both stimulate and inhibit entrepreneurial behavior. Moreover, family businesses are, by their nature, complicated by dynamics within the owning family. These dynamics not only affect business performance but also business growth, change and transitioning over time. A model is built and defined on the basis of the main arguments supporting the following theories: social capital, resource - and knowledge-based view. This model includes the key factors that make up knowledge transfer and their influence entrepreneurial orientation and business performance. We argue that knowledge management within the family business is positively related to entrepreneurial orientation. The methodology used to analyze these relationships is based on a structural equation approach (SEM), specifically Partial Least Squares (PLS). Using a sample of Spanish SME Family Businesses associated to Territorial Associations of Family Business, we show the main results and we discuss such relationship explained above

    La importancia de la gestión del conocimiento en el espíritu emprendedor de las empresas familiares

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    Las empresas familiares son creadas debido al comportamiento emprendedor de uno o más fundadores, que encuentran y explotan una oportunidad. Es necesario que esta Orientación Emprendedora se transmita a las siguientes generaciones, siendo un elemento importante para la supervivencia y el crecimiento de las empresas familiares. Sin embargo, las características específicas de las empresas familiares pueden tanto estimular como impedir el comportamiento emprendedor. Por otra parte, las empresas familiares son, por su propia naturaleza, complicadas por la dinámica de la familia propietaria. Esta dinámica no sólo afecta al rendimiento del negocio, sino también al crecimiento del negocio, el cambio y la transición en el tiempo. En este trabajo se ha construido y definido un modelo sobre la base de los principales argumentos que sustentan las teorías siguientes: el capital social, visión basada en los recursos y en el conocimiento. Este modelo incluye los factores clave que conforman la transferencia de conocimiento y su influencia en la orientación emprendedora y en el rendimiento empresarial. Argumentamos que la gestión del conocimiento dentro de la empresa familiar está positivamente relacionada con la orientación emprendedora. La metodología utilizada para analizar estas relaciones se basa en un enfoque de ecuaciones estructurales (SEM), mínimos cuadrados parciales (PLS específicamente). Utilizando una muestra de empresas familiares españolas asociadas a las Asociaciones Territoriales de Empresa Familiar, se muestran los principales resultados y se discute la relación explicada anteriormente.Family businesses are created due to the entrepreneurial behavior of one or more founders, who find and exploit an opportunity. It is necessary that this Entrepreneurial Orientation (EO) is transmitted to the next generation, which is seen as an important element in the survival and growth of family firms. However, the specific characteristics of family businesses can both stimulate and inhibit entrepreneurial behavior. Moreover, family businesses are, by their nature, complicated by dynamics within the owning family. These dynamics not only affect business performance but also business growth, change and transitioning over time. A model is built and defined on the basis of the main arguments supporting the following theories: social capital, resource - and knowledge-based view. This model includes the key factors that make up knowledge transfer and their influence entrepreneurial orientation and business performance. We argue that knowledge management within the family business is positively related to entrepreneurial orientation. The methodology used to analyze these relationships is based on a structural equation approach (SEM), specifically Partial Least Squares (PLS). Using a sample of Spanish SME Family Businesses associated to Territorial Associations of Family Business, we show the main results and we discuss such relationship explained above

    ¿Por qué desaparecen las empresas familiares extremeñas?

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    Despite the impulse that the Extremadura Institutions are giving in order to boost the creation of businesses in the region, until now there is a significant gap in knowledge and implementation of a system to identify and avoid the short-term disappearance of the business network created. In this sense, the study presented in these pages tells us how the family bond power better the business culture to maintain the pace of business competitiveness and, hence, the economic and social development. The main conclusion of this paper is that Extremadura family businesses face five key challenges: to ensure generational continuity, increase its size, more professional, investing in technology and innovation, to undertake internationalization processes.Apesar do impulso que as Instituições Autónomas de Extremadura estão ocorrendo, a fim de promover o empreendedorismo na região, até agora não há uma diferença significativa no conhecimento e implementação de um sistema para identificar e evitar o desaparecimento de curto prazo da empresa já criada. Neste sentido, o estudo apresentado nestas páginas conta como o vínculo familiar potência melhor a cultura corporativa para manter o ritmo da competitividade empresarial e, portanto, o desenvolvimento econômico e social. A principal conclusão do trabalho é que as empresas familiares do Extremadura enfrentam cinco principais desafios: garantir a continuidade generacional, aumentar seu tamanho, profissionalizada, investindo em tecnologia e inovação, empreender processos de internacionalização.A pesar del impulso que las Instituciones Autonómicas Extremeñas vienen dando en aras a potenciar la creación de empresas en la región, hasta ahora existe un importante vacío de conocimiento y puesta en marcha de un sistema que identifique y evite la desaparición a corto plazo del tejido empresarial ya creado. En este sentido, el estudio que se presenta en estas páginas nos relata cómo el vínculo familiar potencia mejor la cultura empresarial para mantener el ritmo de competitividad empresarial y, por tanto, el desarrollo económico y social. La conclusión principal del trabajo es que las empresas familiares extremeñas se enfrentan a cinco retos esenciales: garantizar su continuidad generacional, incrementar su dimensión, profesionalizarse, invertir en tecnología e innovación, emprender procesos de internacionalización